” I don’t want to see him,” the king said. (2 Samuel 14:24)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 13章(英語)
As she offered them to him, he grabbed her and said, “Come to bed with me!” (2 Samuel 13:11)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 12章(英語)
But because you have shown such contempt for the LORD in doing this, your child will die. (2 Samuel 12:14)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 11章(英語)
he saw a woman taking a bath in her house. She was very beautiful. (2 Samuel 11:2)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 10章(英語)
shaved off one side of their beards, cut off their clothes at the hips, and sent them away.(2 samuel 10:4)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 9章(英語)
“I am no better than a dead dog, sir! Why should you be so good to me?” (2 Samuel 9:8)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 8章(英語)
David ruled over all of Israel and made sure that his people were always treated fairly and justly. (2 Samuel 8:15)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 7章(英語)
I will make you as famous as the greatest leaders in the world. (2 Samuel 7:9)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 6章(英語)
Uzzah died there beside the Covenant Box, (2 Samuel 6:7)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 5章(英語)
David was thirty years old when he bacame king, and he ruled for forty years. (2 Samuel 5:4)