The LORD blessed the last part of Job’s life even more than he had blessed the first. (Job 42:12)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 41章(英語)
Who can attack him and still be safe? (Job 41:11)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 40章(英語)
will you give up now, or will you answer? (Job 40:2)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 39章(英語)
They eagerly paw the ground in the valley; (Job 39:21)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 38章(英語)
Do you know the laws that govern the skies, (Job 38:33)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 37章(英語)
God’s power is so great that we cannot come near him; (Job 37:23)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 36章(英語)
Be careful not to turn to evil; your suffering was sent to keep you from it. (Job 36:21)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 35章(英語)
You think that God does not punish, that he pays little attention to sin. (Job 35:15)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 34章(英語)
Think through everything that Job says; (Job 34:36)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 33章(英語)
But if you have something to say, let me hear it; (Job 33:32)