The LORD answered his prayer, and the epidemic in Israel was stopped. (2 Samuel 24:25)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 23章(英語)
But godless people are like thorns that are thrown away; (2 Samuel 23:6)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 22章(英語)
This God – how perfect are his deeds, how dependable his words! (2 Samuel 22:31)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 21章(英語)
And after that, God answered their prayers for the country. (2 Samuel 21:14)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 20章(英語)
and they cut off Sheba’s head and threw it over the wall to Joab. (2 Samuel 20:22)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 19章(英語)
But the men of Judah were more violent in making their claims than the men of Israel. (2 Samuel 19:43)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 18章(英語)
The mule ran on and Absalom was left hanging in midair. (2 Samuel 18:9)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 17章(英語)
So David and his men started crossing the Jordan, and by daybreak they had all gone across.(2 Samuel 17:22)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 16章(英語)
and in the sight of everyone Absalom went in and had intercourse with his father’s concubines. (2 Samuel 16:22)
聖書通読 サムエル記第二 15章(英語)
and Absalom’s followers grew in number. (2 Samuel 15:12)