At the time of King David their descendants numbered 22,600.(1 Chronicles 7:2)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 6章(英語)
They took regular turns of duty at the Tent of the LORD’s presence during the time befor King Solomon built the Temple. (1 Chronicles 6:32)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 5章(英語)
It was the tribe of Judah, however, that became the strongest and provided a ruler for all the tribes.) (1 Chronicles 5:2)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 4章 (英語)
“Bless me, God, and give me much land. (1 Chronicles 4:10)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 3章(英語)
In Jerusalem he ruled as king for thirty-three years, (1 Chronicles 3:4)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 2章(英語)
Jacob had twelve sons: (1 Chronicles 2:1)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 1章(英語)
Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmael. (1 Chronicles 1:28)
聖書通読 列王記第二 25章(英語)
While Zedekiah was looking on, his sons were put to death; (2 Kings 25:7)
聖書通読 列王記第二 24章(英語)
The LORD became so angry with the people of Jerusalem and Judah that he banished them from his sight. (2 Kings 24:20)
聖書通読 列王記第二 23章(英語)
In order to enforce the laws written in the book that the High Priest Hilkiah had found in the Temple, (2 Kings 23:24)