men, women, and children- gathered around him, weeping bitterly. (Ezra 10:1)
聖書通読 エズラ記 9章(英語)
I tore my clothes in despair, tore my hair and my beard, and sat down crushed with grief. (Ezra 9:3)
聖書通読 エズラ記 8章(英語)
and protect us and our children and all our possessions. (Ezra 8:21)
聖書通読 エズラ記 7章(英語)
Ezra had devoted his life to studying the Law of the LORD, (Ezra 7:10)
聖書通読 エズラ記 6章(英語)
They finished the Temple on the third day of the month Adar in the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Darius. (Ezra 6:15)
聖書通読 エズラ記 5章(英語)
But God was watching over the Jewish leaders, and the Persian officials decided to take on action until they could write to Emperor Darius and receive a reply. (Ezra 5:5)
聖書通読 エズラ記 4章(英語)
They also bribed Persian government officials to work against them. (Ezra 4:5)
聖書通読 エズラ記 3章(英語)
“The LORD is good, and his love for Israel is eternal.” (Ezra 3:11)
聖書通読 エズラ記 2章(英語)
Many of the exiles left the province of Babylon and returned to Jerusalem and Judah, all to their own hometowns. (Ezra 2:1)
聖書通読 エズラ記 1章(英語)
the LORD made what he had said through the prophet Jeremiah come ture. (Ezra 1:1)