Hanun seized David’s messengers, shaved off their beards, cut off their clothes at the hips, and sent them away. (1 Chronicles 19:4)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 18章(英語)
The LORD made David victorious everywhere. (1 Chronicles 18:6)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 17章(英語)
You, LORD, are God, and you have made this wonderful promise to me. (1 Chronicles 17:26)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 16章(英語)
Give thanks to the LORD, proclaim his greatness; (1Chronicles 16:8)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 15章(英語)
“Only Levites should carry the Covenant Box, because they are the ones the LORD chose to carry it and to serve him forever.” (1 Chronicles 15:2)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 14章(英語)
David’s fame spread everywhere, and the LORD made every nation afraid of him. (1 Chronicles 14:17)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 13章(英語)
At once the LORD became angry with Uzzah and killed him for touching the Box. (1 Chronicles 13:17)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 12章(英語)
the God of our ancestors will know it and punish you. (1 Chronicles 12:17)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 11章(英語)
David grew stronger and stronger, because the LORD Almighty was with him. (1 Chronicles 11:9)
聖書通読 歴代誌第一 10章(英語)
So the LORD killed him and gave control of the kingdom to David son of Jesse. (1 Chronicles 10:14)