He is the LORD, strong and mighty, (Psalms 24:8)
聖書通読 詩編 23編(英語)
I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life; (Psalms 23:6)
聖書通読 詩編 22編(英語)
But I am no longer a human being; I am a worm, (Psalms 22:6)
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We praise you, LORD, for your great strength! (Psalms 21:13)
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May the LORD answer you when you are in trouble! (Psalms 20:1)
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The laws of the LORD are right, and those who obey them are happy. (Psalms 19:8)
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He gives me victory over my enemies; he subdues the nations under me. (Psalms 18:47)
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from the attacks of the wicked, (Psalms 17:9)
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And so I am thankful and glad, and I feel completely secure, (Psalms 16:9)
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They despise those whom God rejects, but honor those who obey the LORD. (Psalms 15:4)