They intermarried with them and worshiped their gods. (Judges 3:6)
聖書通読 士師記 2章(英語)
They would serve and worship other gods, and stubbornly continue their own evil ways. (Judges 2:19)
聖書通読 士師記 1章(英語)
When the Israelites became stronger, they forced the Canaanites to work for them, but still they did not drive them all out. (Judges 1:28)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 24章(英語)
Get rid of the gods which your ancestors used to worship in Mesopotamia and in Egypt, and serve only the LORD. (Joshua 24:14)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 23章(英語)
Much later the LORD gave Israel security from their enemies around them. (Joshua 23:1)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 22章(英語)
Are you going to refuse to follow him now? (Joshua 22:18)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 21章(英語)
Not one of all their enemies had been able to stand against them, because the LORD gave the Israelites the victory over all their enemies. (Joshua 21:44)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 20章(英語)
If any of you accidentally kills someone, you can go there and escape the one who is looking for revenge. (Joshua 20:3)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 19章(英語)
When the people of Israel finished dividing up the land, they gave Joshua son of Nun a part of the land as his own. (Joshua 19:49)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 18章(英語)
” How long are you going to wait before you go in and take the land that the LORD, the God of your ancestors, has given you? (Joshua 18:3)