until I would rather be strangled than live in this miserable body. (Job 7:15)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 6章(英語)
If I knew he would, I would leap for joy, no matter how great my pain. (Job 6:10)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 5章(英語)
Happy is the person whom God corrects! (Job 5:17)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 4章(英語)
Do you think he will trust a creature of clay, a thing of dust that can be crushed like a moth? (Job 4:19)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 3章(英語)
Finally Job broke the silence and cursed the day on which he had been born. (Job 3:1)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 2章(英語)
Then Satan left the LORD’s presence and made sores break out all over Job’s body. (Job 2:7)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 1章(英語)
” I was born with nothing, and I will die with nothing.”(Job 1:21)
聖書通読 エステル記 10章(英語)
Mordecai the Jew was second in rank only to King Xerxes himself. (Esther 10:3)
聖書通読 エステル記 9章(英語)
These were the days on which the Jews had rid themselves of their enemies; (Esther 9:22)
聖書通読 エステル記 8章(英語)
the Jews held a joyful holiday with feasting and happiness. (Esther 8:17)