and anyone or anything that touches them will be harmed by the power of its holiness.(Exodus 30:29)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 29章 (英語)
I will live among the people of Israel, and I will be their God. (Exodus 29:45)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 28章(英語)
Make priestly garments for your brother Aaron, to provide him with dignity and beauty.(Exodus 28:2)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 27章(英語)
“Make an altar out of acacia wood.(Exodus 27:1)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 26章(英語)
“Make the interior of the sacred Tent, the Tent of my presence, out of ten pieces of fine linen woven with blue, purple, and red wool.(Exodus 26:1)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 25章(英語)
Take care to make them according to the plan that I showed you on the mountain.(Exodus 25:40)
聖書通読 出エジプ記 24章(英語)
“We will obey the LORD and do everything that he has commanded.”(Exodus 24:7)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 23章(英語)
“Work six days a week, but do no work on the seventh day, so that your slaves and the foreigners who work for you and even your animals can rest.(Exodus 23:12)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 22章(英語)
“Put to death any woman who practices magic.(Exodus 22:18)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 21章(英語)
“Whoever hits someone and kills him is to be put to death.”(Exodus 21:12)