During the day the LORD went in front of them in a pillar of cloud to show them the way, and during the night he went in front of them in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel night and day.(Exodus 13:21)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 12章(英語)
On the day the 430 years ended, all the tribes of the LORD’s people left Egypt.(Exodus 12:41)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 11章(英語)
Then you will know that I, the LORD, make a distinction between the Egyptians and the Israelites.(Exodus 11:7)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 10章(英語)
The king’s officials said to him, “How long is this man going to give us trouble? Let the Israelite men go, so that they can worship the LORD their God. Don’t you realize that Egypt is ruined?” (Exodus 10:7)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 9章(英語)
and, just as the LORD had foretold through Moses, the king would not let the Israelites go.(Exodus 9:35)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 8章 (英語)
and the magicians said to the king, “God has done this!” But the king was stubborn and, just as the LORD had said, the king would not listen to Moses and Aaron. (Exodus 8:19)
読書 『Curious George』H.A.REY