When the people saw it, they all shouted and bowed down with their faces to the ground.(Leviticus 9:24)
聖書通読 レビ記 8章(英語)
You must stay at the entrance of the Tent day and night for seven days, doing what the LORD has commanded.(Leviticus 8:35)
聖書通読 レビ記 7章(英語)
There on Mount Sinai in the desert, the LORD gave these commands to Moses on the day he told the people of Israel to make their offerings. (Leviticus 7:38)
聖書通読 レビ記 6章(英語)
If any article of clothing is spattered with the animal’s blood, it must be washed in a holy place. (Leviticus 6:27)
聖書通読 レビ記 5章 (英語)
When you are guilty, you must confess the sin, (Leviticus 5:5)
聖書通読 レビ記 4章(英語)
to tell the people of Israel that anyone who sinned and broke any of the LORD’s commands without intending to, would have to observe the following rules.(Leviticus 4:2)
聖書通読 レビ記 3章(英語)
When any of you offer one of your cattle as a fellowship offering, it is to be a bull or a cow without any defects.(Leviticus 3:1)
聖書通読 レビ記 2章(英語)
When any of you present an offering of grain to the LORD, you must first grind it into flour.(Leviticus 2:1)
聖書通読 レビ記 1章(英語)
The odor of this food offering is pleasing to the LORD.(Leviticus 1:17)
聖書通読 出エジプト記 40章 (英語)
Then the cloud covered the Tent and the dazzling light of the LORD’s presence filled it.(Exodus 40:34)