Do this so that you may learn to honor the LORD your God always.(Deuteronomy 14:23)
聖書通読 申命記 13章(英語)
But do not let any of them persuade you; do not even listen to them.(Deuteronomy 13:8)
読書『Curious George Flies a Kite』H.A.REY
聖書通読 申命記 12章(英語)
And you are to be happy there over everything that you have done.(Deuteronomy 12:18)
聖書通読 申命記 11章(英語)
“Today I am giving you the choice between a blessing and a curse-(Deuteronomy 11:26)
聖書通読 申命記 10章(英語)
Then he told me to go and lead you, so that you could take possession of the land that he had promised to give to your ancestors.(Deuteronomy 10:11)