but they have been forced to work as slaves. (Joshua 16:10)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 15章(英語)
But the people of Judah were not able to drive out the Jebusites, who lived in Jerusalem. (Joshua 15:63)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 14章(英語)
I am still strong enough for war or for anything else. (Joshua 14:11)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 13章(英語)
You are very old, but there is still much land to be taken: (Joshua 13:1)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 12章(英語)
thirty-one kings in all. (Joshua 12:24)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 11章(英語)
This was what the LORD had commanded Moses. (Joshua 11:20)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 10章(英語)
The LORD fought on Israel’s side! (Joshua 10:14)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 9章(英語)
The Israelites accepted some food from them, but did not consult the LORD about it.(Joshua 9:14)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 8章(英語)
Don’t be afraid or discouraged. (Joshua 8:1)
聖書通読 ヨシュア記 7章(英語)
This is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies.(Joshua 7:12)