“Here is the man the LORD has chosen! (1 Samuel 10:24)
聖書通読 サムエル記 第一 9章(英語)
and my family is the least important one in the tribe. (1 Samuel 9:21)
聖書通読 サムエル記 第一 8章(英語)
they were interested only in making money, so they accepted bribes and did not decide cases honestly. (1 Samuel 8:3)
読書『Uncle Elephant』Arnold Lobel
聖書通読 サムエル記 第一 7章(英語)
and he will rescue you from the power of the Philistines.” (1 Samuel 7:3)
聖書通読 サムエル記 第一 6章(英語)
And the people mourned because the LORD had caused such a great slaughter among them. (1 Samuel 6:19)
聖書通読 サムエル記 第一 5章(英語)
“The God of Israel is punishing us and our god Dagon. (1 Samuel 5:7)
聖書通読 サムエル記 第一 4章(英語)
God’s Covenant Box was captured, and Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were both killed.(1 Samuel 4:11)