they send me running; they prepare their final assault. (Job 30:12)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 29章(英語)
I have always acted justly and fairly. (Job 29:14)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 28章(英語)
” To be wise, you must have reverence for the Lord. (Job 28:28)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 27章(英語)
What hope is there for the godless in the hour when God demands their life? (Job 27:8)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 26章(英語)
What a big help you are to me- poor, weak man that I am! (Job 26:1-2)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 25章(英語)
Then what about a human being, that worm, that insect? (Job 25:6)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 24章(英語)
Can anyone prove that my words are not true? (Job 24:25)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 23章(英語)
I follow his will, not my own desires. (Job 23:12)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 22章(英語)
Does your doing right benefit God, or does your being good help him at all? (Job 22:3)
聖書通読 ヨブ記 21章(英語)
And you! You try to comfort me with nonsense! (Job 21:34)