They also bribed Persian government officials to work against them. (Ezra 4:5)
聖書通読 エズラ記 3章(英語)
“The LORD is good, and his love for Israel is eternal.” (Ezra 3:11)
聖書通読 エズラ記 2章(英語)
Many of the exiles left the province of Babylon and returned to Jerusalem and Judah, all to their own hometowns. (Ezra 2:1)
聖書通読 エズラ記 1章(英語)
the LORD made what he had said through the prophet Jeremiah come ture. (Ezra 1:1)
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 36章(英語)
But they made fun of God’s messengers, (2 Chronicles 36:16)
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 35章(英語)
He refused to listen to what God was saying through King Neco, (2 Chronicles 35:22)
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 34章(英語)
he followed the example of his ancestor King David, strictly obeying all the laws of God. (2 Cronicles 34:2)
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 33章(英語)
Although the LORD warned Manasseh and his people, they refused to listen. (2 Chronicles 33:10)
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 32章(英語)
But Hezekiah was too proud to show gratitude for what the LORD had done for him, and Judah and Jerusalem suffered for it. (2 Chronicles 32:25)