and for three years they supported Rehoboam son of Solomon and lived as they had under the rule of King David and King Solomon. (2 Chronicles 11:17)
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 10章(英語)
as the younger men had advised. (2 Chronicles 10:14)
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 9章(英語)
How fortunate are those who serve you, who are always in your presence and are privileged to hear your wise sayings! (2 Chronicles 9:7)
読書『MARVIN REDPOST④ Alone in His Teacher’s House』LOUIS SACHAR
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 8章(英語)
It took Solomon twenty years to build the Temple and his palace. (2 Chronicles 8:1)
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 7章(英語)
People everywhere will ridicule it and treat it with contempt. (2 Chronicles 7:20)
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 6章(英語)
“Now, O my God, look on us and listen to the prayers offered in this place. (2 Chronicles 6:40)
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 5章(英語)
“Praise the LORD, because he is good, And his love is eternal.” (2 Chronicles 5:13)
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 4章(英語)
The outer doors of the Temple and the doors to the Most Holy Place were overlaid with gold. (2 Chronicles 4:22)
聖書通読 歴代誌第二 3章(英語)
King David, Solomon’s father, had already prepared a place for the Temple. (2 Chronicles 3:1)